No worries - I'm not revolting - I just find that commercial funny.
Anyways, New Years is a time to make resolutions that will hopefully allow me to be a better person in 2014! Since I graduate in December of 2014, this year is all about "finding myself" before I go out into the "real world" (EEK!)
Here are my resolutions for the big 2-0-1-4
1. Be Less Selfish. I wouldn't say I'm an overall selfish person, but this is how conversations tend to go:
Person: I'm really tired/hungry/overworked/etc
Me: Well I'm more tired/hungry/overworked/etc
Person: I'm really tired/hungry/overworked/etc
Me: Well I'm more tired/hungry/overworked/etc
And here's how I would prefer conversations go:
Person: I'm really tired/hungry/overworked/etc
Me: How come? How can I help? I'm here for you.
Person: I'm really tired/hungry/overworked/etc
Me: How come? How can I help? I'm here for you.
Obviously this is general, but you get the point. Everything is not a competition of who's more anything. And 2014 is when I'm changing my ways!
2. Continue To See The Bigger Picture. Last year my resolution was realized on New Years. My boyfriend didn't kiss me at midnight (THE HORROR). And I realized that that wasn't important, what was important was that I was lucky enough to have such an amazing boyfriend and lucky enough to be spending time with great friends. But, I can't say I stuck to this resolution all 365 days of 2013. Therefore, I plan to not focus on the little things and not over think every situation. Instead I will step back and see the bigger picture of every situation.
3. Be Happy. Okay, maybe this is cheesy, and it's not like I wasn't happy in other years. But I just want this to be documented that in 2014 I'm going to do things that make myself happy!
4. Be Heard. Whenever I'm in a group setting, I'm always the person who gets talked over and interrupted. But no more! I don't plan on retaliating, but I would like to work on being a bit more aggressive rather than passive in these situations.
5. Blog more! I used to sort of have a blog.. and then I switched to tumblr (, which turned into me posting a whole lot of Harry Potter pictures. But I think it will be therapeutic and fulfilling to have an actual blog this year.
What are your resolutions for 2014?