Sunday, August 24, 2014

My First Tutorial!

It's a bit late, but for my birthday party I wanted some classy looking decorations!
Food table
Notice what's weighing those balloons down? Wine bottles! So, here's how I did it!!

We purchased Mod Podge Sheer Colors to do the job!!
The first try, we put it on the inside and intended to shake and cover the entire inside

Just the bottle - We soaked it in hot, soapy water, and then used a
vegetable brush to scrub off any extra label/glue residue
Here's the Mod Podge Sheer Colors!
Next we shook it up. Not sure if we didn't use enough, but it dried too soon...and in stripes...
Didn't really spread....

Might as well take an artsy picture!
So that one didn't really turn out... so we tried painting it on the outside... and it worked!

Once again, the bottle...

Add Mod Podge Sheer Colors

Spread evenly over bottle 

Let dry... add additional color if needed

Not too difficult of a project... We just had some bumps along the way.
For the final touch we wrapped tulle on the outside and secured it with ribbon and a flower!

Good Luck!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Turning 21

So, this post is coming a little late... I've been 21 for two and a half weeks.

So here's the big day in a nutshell: The night before, I went to a friend's house to watch a movie and we took a shot at midnight. We finished the movie, I went home and slept. I taught dance in the morning, ate lunch, then went shopping with my mom, then taught dance again in the evening. For dinner my mom, grandma, and I went out to eat and I ordered a martini with the appetizer and a glass of wine with dinner.

Me with the martini I ordered

Guess what, this is EXACTLY how I wanted to spend my birthday (minus the part where my boyfriend was however many miles away on vacation)... But, I've gotten mixed "reviews" from friends and family.

1. "You weren't drunk all day?" Nope. I had to dance, and be in charge of children... they usually frown upon doing that while drinking...
2. "You didn't go out with your friends?" Nope. Like I said, that was how I wanted to spend it... "going out" isn't really my scene **DISCLAIMER** I did go out a week and a half after my birthday and enjoyed myself - but it's still not "my thing"
3. "You drank?!" Okay, so we go from one extreme to the next... YES, I drank, it's legal to do that now, so why are you making me feel awkward and guilty for doing so? (this one's mostly from the fam)
4. "What's your drink?" I don't know! I have some things I like, and some things I don't... but I haven't found ONE thing... I'm still experimenting... and it definitely depends on my mood... and the contents of my wallet.

Basically, people are either surprised that I drank (get over it!) or surprised that I actually remember what happened. But last I checked blacking out ISN'T healthy. Yeah, I'm in college, yeah I'm supposed to make stupid decisions - but life threatening stupid decisions are ones I usually stay away from..